The purpose of the Industry Advisory Council (IAC) is to provide guidance and advice to the RECO Board of Directors on issues pertaining to RECO’s consumer protection mandate and activities, as well as other issues identified by RECO. 

The creation of the IAC follows Minister’s Orders received in January 2024 to establish an advisory council comprising members representing the interests of registrants. As such RECO dissolved the joint Consumer and Industry Advisory Group (CIAG) and has created two separate councils: the IAC and the Consumer Advisory Council (CAC).

For more information, read the news release.

Approval Authority: Senior Management Group
Liaison: Director, Stakeholder Relations

Approval Date: April 26, 2024
Effective Date: April 26, 2024
Next Review Date: June 2025    


The Real Estate Council of Ontario (“RECO”) is a not-for-profit corporation that administers and enforces the Trust in Real Estate Services Act, 2002 (TRESA), and its related regulations. RECO acts in the public interest by promoting a safe and informed marketplace and administering the rules that real estate salespeople (agent and brokers) and brokerages must follow. 

Pursuant to subsection 13.3 (1) of the Safety and Consumer Statutes Administration Act, 1996 (SCSAA), the Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery issued an order on January 3, 2024, requiring RECO to establish an Industry Advisory Council (“IAC”) to provide a forum to enable RECO to obtain advice and input from registrants to make informed decisions related to its consumer protection mandate.

I. Purpose

The purpose of the IAC is to provide guidance and advice to the RECO Board of Directors (“Board”) on issues pertaining to RECO’s consumer protection mandate and activities, as well as issues identified by RECO. 

This includes strategic input and advice on areas that would include:

  • Opportunities to enhance RECO’s overall brand perception and intersection with members of the real estate services sector (for example, survey results, service levels, fees);
  • Issues for consideration related to future legislation or regulation;
  • Opportunities to increase professionalism within the sector;
  • Areas for improvement for the sector with respect to consumer protection; and
  • Input related to significant initiatives for the real estate service sector. 

The IAC is not meant to consider or make recommendations on items that fall into the authority of RECO’s Registrar with respect to enforcement. 

II. Authority

The role of the IAC is advisory. Any advice or recommendations will be reviewed and considered by the Board and may or may not result in action. 

The role of the IAC does not include:

  • Decision-making on strategic, operational, or policy priorities;
  • Decision-making on allocation of financial and human resources;
  • Representing RECO to the public, including the media and other agencies; and 
  • Considering or making recommendations on items that fall into the authority of RECO’s Registrar with respect to enforcement activities.  

The IAC Chair will make a report to the Board on an annual basis, or more frequently, as required. Meeting minutes will be available on RECO’s website once approved by the IAC, and a summary of its work will be included in RECO’s annual report. 

III. Chair, Vice Chair and membership composition

  1. The Committee shall consist of a minimum of five and up to 10 members, subject to the criteria identified in section IV. 
  2. This shall include a Chair appointed by RECO’s Board of Directors from among the Board’s Sector Directors. 
  3. The inaugural Vice Chair will be selected by RECO’s CEO and the outgoing Consumer and Industry Advisory Group (“CIAG”) Chair, and thereafter, the Vice Chair will be selected by the IAC from among its members. 
  4. Inaugural members of the IAC will be selected by the CEO, the outgoing CIAG Chair, and the incoming Chair. In the event that the incoming Chair is not yet appointed by the RECO Board, the CEO and the outgoing CIAG Chair will select the inaugural IAC members. Thereafter, members of the committee will be selected by the IAC Chair, RECO’s CEO, and the IAC Vice Chair, from a list of candidates provided by RECO’s management, vetted through a selection process. 

IV. Membership criteria

IAC members will be selected based on the criteria outlined below, in line with the Minister’s Order dated January 3, 2024.

Members will be drawn to represent the interests of registrants with diversity across the real estate services sector, including:

  • Registered agents or brokers;
  • Individuals who are directors, officers, employees, or agents of registered brokerages; and 
  • Members, officers, employees, or directors of industry associations. 

Members of the IAC must: 

  • Possess a positive orientation to RECO’s consumer protection mandate;
  • Understand RECO’s mandate and have a commitment to its values, goals, and objectives; 
  • Represent the interests of the real estate services sector as outlined by the Minister’s orders; 
  • Bring a balanced approach to making recommendations that are effective, practical, and implementable; 
  • Be willing to adhere to confidentiality obligations and conflict of interest requirements; and
  • Have time and availability to prepare for and attend IAC meetings. 

In addition to the requirements outlined above, RECO will endeavour to ensure that members of the IAC:

  • Represent diversity in Ontario and include a range of perspectives (ethnic, gender, age);
  • Represent geographical diversity in Ontario; 
  • Have demonstrated credibility, integrity, and high ethical standards in their business dealings, and shall not have any disciplinary action recorded against them by RECO;
  • Are not employees of RECO nor connected by family or association with employees of RECO; and 
  • Are not a member of the RECO Board (other than the IAC Chair) or connected by family or association with a RECO Board member or members of any other RECO advisory committees or groups.  

V. Terms 

Inaugural members of the IAC will be appointed to serve variable terms of two, three, or four years. 

The inaugural IAC Chair will be appointed to serve for a term of up to two years, but not longer than his or her Board term. The Board will continue to appoint the IAC Chair when a vacancy is contemplated.  

The Vice Chair will be appointed for a term of two years.  

Upon the completion of the terms of the inaugural IAC members, new members will be appointed to serve a term of three years. Returning members may be eligible for reappointment at the end of their term at the discretion of the CEO and IAC Chair subject to a limit of two terms or maximum seven years. 

VI. IAC Chair, Vice Chair, and member responsibilities

RECO will provide an orientation for new members, providing an overview of RECO’s Business Plan, the IAC’s mandate, and member roles and responsibilities. 

The IAC Chair is responsible for:

  • Liaising with the CEO or delegated RECO staff members to establish IAC agendas, reports to the Board, etc.; 
  • Presiding over meetings;
  • Reviewing meeting minutes and materials in advance of IAC meetings;
  • Meeting with the CEO and/or other delegated RECO staff, or IAC members with respect to matters before the IAC; 
  • Providing a report to the Board annually on the activities of the IAC. 

The IAC Vice Chair will assume the responsibilities of the Chair in the event of the Chair’s absence. 

IAC members are expected to:

  • Prepare for, attend, and participate in all scheduled meetings;
  • Be responsive and provide timely advice to RECO during and between meetings;
  • Be sufficiently familiar with RECO’s mandate and activities to fulfill the purpose and objectives of the IAC;
  • Safeguard the confidentiality of materials and discussions, including refraining from posting any details on social media or other electronic platform; and
  • Refrain from using participation in the IAC to gain benefit or influence RECO or any other organization in a way that may be considered a perceived, potential, or actual conflict of interest.

Each IAC member shall sign a Confidentiality Agreement and Conflict of Interest Declaration and attest to compliance annually. IAC members may also be required to confirm acceptance of other RECO policies, applicable to committees, as applicable. 

VII. Meetings and reporting

The IAC will hold at least two meetings per year. Additional meetings may be called at the discretion of the IAC Chair and CEO in the event relevant issues arise between meetings. 

Meetings will generally be held virtually. While meetings can take place without a simple majority of IAC members present, formal recommendations to RECO’s Board require a simple majority of those IAC members in attendance. 

The CEO and IAC Chair are responsible for setting the agenda for IAC meetings, with input from members and management. The meeting agenda and supporting materials will be sent to each member in advance of the meeting. 

Meeting minutes will be prepared by RECO for approval of the IAC at either its subsequent meeting, or via the approval of a majority all sitting IAC members by email. Upon IAC Chair and CEO approval, minutes will be posted on RECO’s website and will be provided to the Board at its next scheduled meeting.  

RECO will provide administrative support to the IAC, such as scheduling meetings, distributing meeting materials, and drafting minutes. 

RECO’s CEO and the IAC Chair, upon consultation, may jointly determine that it would be beneficial to the group’s understanding of a specific agenda item to invite an industry professional or other expert to attend a portion of an IAC meeting.  

VIII. Termination of membership

Members may resign from the IAC at any time by giving written notice to the IAC Chair or the CEO of RECO. 

Membership may be terminated by the CEO, in consultation with the IAC chair, for any of the following reasons:

  • Poor attendance;
  • Ineffective engagement and contribution at IAC meetings;
  • Breach of confidentiality or conflict of interest requirements; 
  • No longer eligible under item IV; or
  • Other reasons as determined by RECO. 

IX. Remuneration and expenses

IAC members are eligible to receive a per diem according to RECO’s non-board committee remuneration policy. For certainty, notwithstanding the IAC Chair is a Director on the RECO Board, the IAC Chair is eligible to receive a per diem solely according to the non-board committee remuneration policy.

Members are able to claim out-of-pocket travel expenses to attend in-person IAC meetings in accordance with RECO’s Policy on Reimbursement of Expenses. 

X. Review

These terms of reference will be reviewed every other year, or more frequently, as required.

Tim Lee (Chair) 
Term: up to two years, but not longer than the RECO Board term

Tim is the Vice-chair of RECO’s Board of Directors and has served on RECO’s Board since 2019. Before serving as a Board Director, Tim was Chair of RECO’s Discipline Committee in 2004. 

Tim has been a registered real estate professional for over 35 years and is currently Broker at Century 21 Synergy Realty Inc., Smiths Falls Branch. He has served as President of the Ontario Real Estate Association (2006) and President of the REALTORSCare© Foundation. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Administrative Studies from York University. 
Subhir Uppal, MBA (Vice-chair)
Term expires: July 1, 2026 
Vice-chair term expires: July 1, 2026 
Born and raised in Ottawa, Subhir is a real estate broker who comes from a family with deep roots in the real estate and construction business. He has been a registrant since 2005 and served as a manager of his family’s real estate brokerage, which he joined at the age of 18. He is also the President of Ottawa-based development firm Metro Homes. 

Subhir has built and expanded numerous brokerages. He is currently the Broker of Record and Founder of a multi-service level digital brokerage, UppaBe Incorporated. He has an MBA from the University of Ottawa’s Telfer Executive MBA Program and has a bachelor's degree in business. As well, he is a Fellow of the Real Estate Institute (FRI). 

Subhir serves on various boards of directors in the real estate and business fields. He is an active volunteer with Junior Achievement Canada, an instructor with the Real Estate Institute of Canada and was a member of the inaugural RECO CEO Advisory Panel. He was previously Chair of RECO’s Consumer and Industry Advisory Group. 

Kevin Ali
Term expires: July 1, 2028 

Kevin began his career as a flight paramedic in Northern Ontario before transitioning to the real estate industry, where he has over 15 years of experience. He has served on the advisory boards of two proptech companies, contributing his expertise to drive innovation in the sector. Kevin also founded Fresh Space, a commercial proptech company that leveraged data to connect commercial buyers and sellers effectively. He is currently the Broker of Record and VP of Operations at Zolo Realty. In addition to real estate, Kevin has founded and operated businesses in the arts, including the Mad Ones Gallery. He holds an Executive MBA from the Ivey Business School at Western University.  
Ann Forbes Arndt 
Term expires: July 1, 2026 

Ann has been a registrant for more than 30 years. In her most recent role as Assistant Manager at Royal LePage Macro Realty Inc., she was responsible for mentoring representatives in her office and training new registrants. 

Ann is past president of the REALTORS® Association of Hamilton-Burlington (RAHB) and has served as a member and chair of various committees and task forces for RECO, RAHB and the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA). She is also past president of the Hamilton and District Business Club. 
Tania Artenosi 
Term expires: July 1, 2027 

Active in the real estate profession for 17 years, Tania is a Broker of Record/Owner with Coldwell Banker The Real Estate Centre, which has eight offices serving Toronto, York Region, Simcoe County and Muskoka. She is the Past-President of the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA), having concluded her one-year term as OREA’s 102nd President in March 2024. She also served as a Director-at-Large, Chair of the Standard Forms Committee, and as a member of the Marketing and Communications Committee. 

Tania is a member of the Barrie & District Association of REALTORS® (BDAR), where she served as President in 2019. At BDAR, she also served as a member of various committees, including MLS® & Technology, Governance, Finance, and the Membership Task Force.  
Shenali De Mel 
Term expires: July 1, 2027 
Shenali is a real estate broker at Century 21 Millenium Brokerage in Brampton. She brings 13 years of real estate experience along with a strong client service and leadership orientation. She holds a Bachelor of Business Management degree from Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University) and previous work experience in the corporate sector.  
Shenali was President of the Brampton Real Estate Board in 2022, representing the board membership at the local, provincial and federal levels. Prior to that, she served on the Professional Standards Committee and Chaired the Government Relations Committee.  
Sandra Lee Marques 
Term expires: July 1, 2028 
Sandra Lee is Broker and Director of Operations at MacDonald Property Group with EXP Realty Inc in Ottawa. She served on RECO’s Board of Directors from May 2023 to May 2024, and was a member of the Strategy & Organization Performance, the Governance, People & Culture Committee, and the Nominations Committee.
Sandra Lee has extensive volunteer experience in the real estate sector, including numerous committees with the Ottawa Real Estate Board (OREB) and the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA) REALTORS Care Finance Committee. She actively volunteers her time as a martial arts instructor in a community-based dojo.   
Sandra O’Donohue 
Term expires: July 1, 2026 
Sandra is a seasoned broker at Royal LePage Frank Real Estate in Durham Region, boasting  a career spanning over four decades. She brings extensive volunteer experience in the real estate sector. Most recently, she served as a Director-at-Large with the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA), and prior to that position, completed a two-year term as OREA Central Area Provincial Director. Additionally, Sandra has been a Director on the Durham Region Association of Realtors Board, where she held the positions of as President-elect, President, and Past-President.  
Lori Roberts 
Term expires: July 1, 2026 
Lori is a real estate broker in Durham. She has served in a range of volunteer roles at the Toronto Real Estate Board (TRREB) including as member of the Board of Directors, Chair of Realtor Quest, member and Chair of the Consumer Relations Committee, and Communications and Member Engagement Chair. She currently serves on the Canadian Real Estate Association’s federal affairs committee and TRREB’s Arbitrations Panel. 
Lori also has extensive community service experience, including on the Town of Ajax Committee of Adjustments and the Durham Region Land Division Committee. She is currently Chair-elect of the Ontario Realtors Care Foundation.  
Carlo Racioppo 
Term expires: July 1, 2026 
Carlo has a distinguished career spanning nearly four decades. He is now Broker of Record and Owner at Royal LePage Realty Plus in Mississauga but began his real estate journey while still a student at University of Toronto completing his Bachelor of Commerce honours degree.  

Carlo has also held a number of volunteer positions, including eight years as a Director of the Mississauga Real Estate Board and one year as President. He has also been a Director of the Toronto Real Estate Board and the Ontario Real Estate Association. He also served two teams as a Director for Interim Place, a women’s shelter in Peel Region.  

In person at RECO, 3300 Bloor Street West, Suite 1400, Toronto, Ontario

Tim Lee, Chair
Subhir Uppal, Vice-Chair
Ann Forbes Arndt
Kevin Ali
Sandra Lee Marques
Sandra O’Donohue
Carlo Racioppo
Lori Roberts

Tania Artenosi
Shenali De Mel

RECO Staff
Michael Beard, CEO
Brenda Buchanan, COO
Joseph Richer, Registrar
Kym Robertson, Director, Stakeholder Relations 
Emily Abrahams, Senior Stakeholder Relations Advisor

MPBSDP observer
Eamonn Gaffney (virtual)


1. Call to order

The chair called the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m.

2. Welcome 

The chair welcomed IAC members and thanked them for joining the meeting.

3. Dealing with rental transactions

As part of the meeting materials, RECO shared a recent For the RECOrd article to registrants regarding their obligations when acting for a client in a rental transaction. RECO sought feedback from council members, noting that some real estate boards have indicated that rental transactions will overtake sales in 2025 in terms of transaction volume. Members noted several challenges including the complexities involved with rental transactions and concerns around the validity and clarity of the Agreement to Lease form (OREA Form 400).

4. TRESA update course 

Council members discussed the course completion rates, which are not appreciably higher than that would normally be completed by registrants during their registration cycle, which means that all registrants would complete the course in the next year. When asked what RECO could do to enhance the completion rate, one suggestion was to encourage brokers of record to inquire of RECO which of their employees had not yet completed the course.

5. Consumer survey results

RECO staff shared an overview of the results of the annual consumer survey, which was conducted by Ipsos in the spring of 2024. 

Highlights included:

  • Consumers do not have a strong awareness of RECO, and in some cases are confused about which of the many organizations in the sector regulates activities. 
  • Most consumers interact with RECO via email or other online methods and those who do interact with RECO report a high level of satisfaction. The primary reason for contacting RECO identified in the survey is to obtain general real estate information.
  • Most consumers (86%) said they are represented by real estate agents in their transactions.
  • Consumers surveyed report that their confidence in understanding the real estate processes is mixed: 32% feel either very or extremely confident, while 30% feel only slightly confident or not confident at all.

Members of the council provided their perspectives on one finding in the survey: that the perception of real estate agents was significantly lower than other professions and indicated a trust gap. Members discussed whether this trust gap could be attributed to the negative connotations associated with professions that operate on a commission model, a lack of awareness on how real estate agents are trained and educated, or the large number of real estate agents in the province compared to other professions.

6. Adjudication of complaints

At the previous meeting, members expressed an interest in learning more about RECO’s complaints process. RECO staff explained the process, which is available on RECO’s website, documents the requirements for a complaint to be considered by RECO, including meeting three criteria: the substance of the complaint must fall within RECO’s scope and authority to regulate; the conduct would have to represent a breach of the law; and the complaint must be supported by evidence. If a complaint falls outside of RECO’s scope, RECO would advise the complainant of the relevant organization or agency that could address it. For instance, some advertising concerns are a violation of the multiple listing service (MLS) rules rather than TRESA. 

RECO noted that complaints must be submitted in writing, which ensures proper and fulsome documentation of the process. On average, complaints are typically resolved within 110 days, although involved or complex cases could take longer. Serious breaches are typically referred to the Discipline Committee (change resulting from TRESA updates).

RECO staff advised that enforcement resources must be utilized effectively for consumer protection, which is why RECO introduced a requirement that advertising complaints must be supported by a broker of record.

There was general agreement that registrants who have experienced the complaints process believe it is thorough; however, social media or other commentary can amplify some voices, which can contribute to a more negative perception of the process.

7. Closing remarks and adjournment

The chair noted that the council would meet virtually in March 2025. There will also be a meeting in September 2025. 

The chair thanked everyone for attending and for sharing feedback. The meeting concluded at 1:09 p.m.

Online (Microsoft Teams)

Tim Lee, Chair
Subhir Uppal, Vice-chair
Ann Forbes Arndt
Kevin Ali
Tania Artenosi
Shenali De Mel
Sandra O’Donohue
Carlo Racioppo
Lori Roberts

Sandra Lee Marques

RECO Staff
Michael Beard, CEO
Kym Robertson, Director, Stakeholder Relations (minutes)

MPBSDP observer
Eamonn Gaffney


1. Call to order

The Chair called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.

2. Welcome and roundtable introductions

The Chair welcomed IAC members and thanked them for their interest in participating in the IAC. Participants introduced themselves and shared an overview of their current roles and experience.

3. Kickoff

Administrative items
RECO’s CEO referred members to the advance materials shared and provided an overview of the IAC Terms of Reference and the process for providing remuneration to IAC members. He further outlined the applicable Conflict of Interest Policy and confidentiality requirements as well as the requirements under RECO’s social media policy.

Initial Q&A and impressions of IAC
The Chair led a round-table discussion seeking initial impressions from members about their participation in the IAC. Overall, members of the group expressed a desire to make a meaningful contribution to the real estate services sector and to share their experiences as registrants. While this first meeting was held virtually, there was widespread support from IAC members to hold an upcoming meeting in person.

4. Industry issues for potential IAC consideration

The Chair began this roundtable discussion enquiring about the recent introduction of legislative and regulatory updates under the Trust in Real Estate Services Act, 2002 (TRESA). Members of the IAC were largely supportive of the changes in the legislation, notably:

  • The implementation of designated representation and that it reduces the frequency of multiple representation.
  • It was generally agreed that the RECO Information Guide is well written in plain language, clarifies the roles and responsibilities of real estate agents and consumers, and is overall an enhancement to the sector.
  • There was some confusion with respect to OREA forms at the launch of TRESA because some forms were introduced nd then withdrawn, while there were multiple iterations of other forms.
  • It was noted that there was a varied depth of understanding about TRESA within individual registrants, notwithstanding the material put forward by RECO (bulletins, videos, information guide), OREA, and some brokerages.

Apart from TRESA, there was a wide range of industry issues that were noted to be considered for discussion in future meetings, subject to the terms of reference of the IAC. These include:

  • broker of record accountability,
  • broker of record communication,
  • expectations in agency relationship/multiple representation,
  • cooling off periods,
  • real estate education exams,
  • brokerage audits,
  • the process for adjudication of complaints,
  • rules for advertising, and
  • specialized registration classes.

5. RECO brand positioning strategy

RECO’s CEO kicked off a discussion about the importance of RECO differentiating itself as the regulator from among the many different organizations that exist in the real estate services sector in Ontario.

The Director of Stakeholder Relations briefly recapped RECO’s work to date on a branding initiative. A consulting company was engaged, the firm conducted interviews with key stakeholders, and recommended a refined brand positioning. This recommendation was to shift RECO’s positioning closer toward, but not exclusively for, consumers – clarifying its important role in consumer protection for those engaging in the sale or purchase of real estate.

Key portions of the narrative to support the brand positioning were presented to the IAC for discussion. Input from the IAC members ranged from support to slide the scale towards the consumer, to a concern that RECO’s role should be to defend the interests of registrants, even though many industry associations exist with a primary mandate to support registrants. It was also noted that the proposed brand messaging related to RECO’s registrant education could be interpreted as too aspirational.

6. Determine next meeting date

The Chair noted the IAC members’ desire to meet in person, if possible, for the next meeting. He also noted that it will be important to meet again early in the fall to provide sufficient time for the IAC to provide further feedback in advance of its annual report to the Board.

7. Closing remarks and adjournment

The Chair thanked all for their active participation and closed the meeting at 12:32 p.m.

ACTION: RECO management will notify members of the next meeting date.

Although the group has been dissolved, you can read the Consumer & Industry Advisory Group Minutes.