What happens next?

After you submit your complaint, you can expect RECO to take the following steps.

You will be notified that RECO has received your complaint.

RECO strives to deal with all complaints received in a timely and thorough manner. Because every complaint is unique, there is no fixed time period to address complaints. Some complaints require significant investigation while others may be processed more quickly. The steps taken to review and investigate your complaint will vary too, depending on the nature of the alleged misconduct, the information available to RECO, and the course of action taken.

RECO will review the complaint to determine if it has the authority to address the matter. If RECO does not have enough information to determine if it has the authority to address the matter, you will be asked to provide more information or additional documents.

If RECO determines it has the authority to address your complaint and enough evidence has been provided to support further investigation, you will be notified that we are processing your complaint.

If RECO does not have the authority to address the matter, you will be advised that no further action will be taken by RECO. If another regulator or organization might have the authority to address the matter, RECO will also provide that information.

RECO will notify the subject(s) of your complaint and their brokerage that your complaint has been received. RECO will provide the details of the complaint and accompanying materials to them. The real estate agent or brokerage is required to respond to the allegations made in your complaint.

RECO will make further inquiries and investigate to collect all relevant information and evidence. You might be asked to provide additional information or documentation, or to participate in an interview.

RECO will carefully review and analyze all information and evidence gathered during its investigation and take whatever action it considers appropriate in the circumstances.

When processing a complaint, RECO considers whether the real estate agent or brokerage involved has a history or pattern of misconduct as this may affect the course of action RECO chooses and the outcome.

You will be advised, in writing, of the outcome of your complaint. You might also be advised of the progression of a complaint, for example, if the matter has been referred to a hearing.