October 15, 2021

Payments and applications are fully online on October 25, 2021

Effective October 25, 2021, all payments and applications for new registration and reinstatement of registration will be accepted when submitted online only through MyWeb.

The following will shift to online-only on October 25, 2021:

  • Payments for all application types, discipline fines, insurance and education services
  • New and reinstatement applications for salespersons, brokers and sole proprietors

Payments and applications will no longer be accepted by email, fax, mail or courier.

Individual renewals and transfers between brokerages continue to be submitted online only through MyWeb.

To minimize processing delays, please submit payments and new and reinstatement applications through MyWeb only. We also ask that you delete any saved versions of these applications and payment forms and recycle blank printed copies.

We continue to accept brokerage application forms in PDF format, but payments must be made through MyWeb only. See below for a list of processes and payments to be made through MyWeb.

How to submit and how to pay

Transaction Process Payment
MCE Sign on through MyWeb MyWeb only
Transfer between brokerages Submit transfer through MyWeb only MyWeb only
Renewal salesperson and broker, and sole proprietor Apply through MyWeb only MyWeb only
New and reinstatement salesperson and broker and sole proprietor Apply through MyWeb only MyWeb only
Insurance Renew through MyWeb only MyWeb only
Employment history requests Request by email registration@reco.on.ca MyWeb only
Renewal brokerage and branch Fillable PDF, submission by email MyWeb only
New and reinstatement brokerage and branch Fillable PDF, submission by email MyWeb only