The authoritative version of the terms of reference of each standing and ad hoc committee of the Board of Directors of the Real Estate Council of Ontario (“RECO”) is maintained in the records of the Administrator, Board Support Services.  All other versions, whether found online or maintained in other departments of RECO or elsewhere, are available for information purposes only. In case of any discrepancy between the version maintained by the Administrator, Board Support Services and other available versions, the version maintained by the Administrator, Board Support Services shall prevail.

I. Purpose

The purpose of the Nominations Committee (the “Committee”) is to make recommendations to the Board of Directors related to:

  1. Individuals who are qualified to fill vacancies on committees and Board of Directors;
  2.  Appointing committee chairs and vice-chairs. 
  3. Nomination process outlining the recruitment and selection process and requirements for directors and committee members.

II. Committee Composition

  1. The Committee shall consist of the Board Chair, who shall chair the Committee, and three additional directors. One director must be a Minister appointment director, and preferably one each from the sector and non-sector directors.

Tim Lee


Roberta (Bobbie) Ann Drew 
Karim Karsan (Temporary leave of absence)
Judy Pfeifer
Stephen Rotstein

III. Duties, Functions & Responsibilities

The Committee shall perform the following duties, functions and responsibilities on behalf of the Board:

  1. Board and Committees Composition
    1. Identify and regularly review the skills and experience desired on the Board;
    2. Maintain an inventory of the skills and experience of current Board members;
    3. Develop and monitor compliance with policy and/or guiding principles regarding diversity on the Board;
    4. Develop and annually update a long-term plan for Board composition and succession that takes into consideration the current strengths, skills and experience on the Board, director terms, and the strategic direction of the organization.
  2. Recruitment and Selection of Directors
    1. Liaise with the Board to review the composition and recruitment requirements for Board and each committee;
    2. Develop and review annually the Board Skills Competency Matrix to ensure it captures relevant skills and competencies;
    3. Oversee call for nominations process for directors and committee members. Conduct interviews with short-listed candidates and provide recommendations to the Board;
    4. Oversee background checks and credential & qualification verification of all recommended candidates in accordance with policy.
  3. Director Elections and Appointments
    1. Oversee the process for the nomination and election of Directors in accordance with the bylaws;
    2. Determine the eligibility and assess the suitability of candidates for election to the Board and make recommendations to the Members;
    3. Determine the eligibility and assess the suitability of candidates for appointment to the Board to fill any vacancy and make recommendations to the Board.
  4. Officer Positions
    1. Develop and review criteria for officer positions;
    2. Determine the eligibility and assess the suitability of candidates for officer  positions and make recommendations to the Board;
    3. Oversee the process of succession planning for officers of the Board.
  5. To review the Board-approved terms of reference and work plan for the Committee on not less than an annual basis, and to make recommendations for change to the Board as may be required.
  6. To establish such sub-committees of the Committee as the Committee may deem advisable and to assign terms of reference for such sub-committees, provided that the Committee may not delegate to such sub-committees any decision-making authority otherwise vested in the Committee, it being understood that any such sub-committees are to be exclusively advisory to the Committee. 
  7. To perform such other duties and responsibilities as the Board may assign.
  8. The Committee shall have final authority to establish necessary processes and make final decisions that may be required to implement the Minister Orders in accordance with the by-laws and related legislation.

IV. The Role of the CEO

The CEO shall be the executive liaison for the Nominations Committee.